Monday, November 7, 2011

Worksss Citeddd :)

 Works Cited 
Blythe,Nils. “Mumbai’s slum life poses world problems.” BBC News Online. 29 Sept 2011 <>.
Eaves, Elisabeth. “Two Billion Slum Dwellers.” 6 Nov. 2006. 29 Sept. 2011. <http://www.forbes.cpm/>. 
Fink, Sheri. “Cities of the Poor I: Life in the slums (Kenya).” Public Radio International: The World. 29 Sept. 2011. <>.
“Urbanization.” World Geography: Understanding a changing World. 20 Sept. 2011. <>/


Eva Serna
November 5, 2011
World Geo. 1AB
Negative effects on slums 
Slums are houses that are made out of whatever they can find thrown, where poor people live. It is full of trash and mud and everything is just thrown everywhere. There are a lot of sicknesses and very little medication. People who live in slums face a difficult life because they must drink dirty water, live in poorly constructed houses and recieve very little medicare so they usually die. People need to eat at least 6 times a day and small portions at least, the poor people in the slums don't have anything to eat and what they have is dirty and not good to eat and they eventually die. 
     People who live in slums face a difficult life because they must drink dirty water, live in poorly constructed houses, and receive little medical care.The people who live in slums have to eat dirty food and drink dirty water, they don't have any money to go out and buy anything so they have to look in the garbage for food and have to drink dirty water. Living in a slum is difficult but its not a choice if you're poor, the people in slums suffer a lot and have to go through very difficult things that we can't even imagine. 
    The people living in slums suffer because they have no food or water and what they do have isn't good for their health. They face a very difficult challenge that a lot of people don't even know it's going on. The slums are a very poor place to live in, they are often made out of recycled items or mud. The slums are very dirty it is a very ugly place to live in there is a lot of trash thrown everywhere. The houses there can be destroyed very easily it is very sad to see how they live. Slums are very depressing and harsh, no one would want to be live there. Slums are very overcrowded and unhealthy they are seen as resourceful communities that offer lessons to modern cities that take everything to the extreme.The people that live in slums are treated really bad and are in equal to other people.They often make fun of the people who live in slums and treat them really poorly because of how they are and how they live. 
     Since the people who live in the slums have to eat and drink dirty things they get a lot of sicknesses and they have very poor medical care, so they often die of bad nutrition or infections because they have no good health. They cant get medical care because they have no money to pay so they don't give them any good care. Some die of hunger and thirst. Many of the people that live in the slums die of hunger and thirst eventually because all they drink and eat is dirty and they have no money to buy anything else than that. HELP THE POOR!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


  Slums are houses that are made out of whatever they can find thrown, where poor people live. It is full of trash and mud and everything is just thrown everywhere. There are a lot of sicknesses and very little medication. People who live in slums face a difficult life because they must drink dirty water, live in poorly constructed houses and recieve very little medicare so they usually die. People need to eat at least 6 times a day and small portions at least, the poor people in the slums don't have anything to eat and what they have is dirty and not good to eat and they eventually die. 
     People who live in slums face a difficult life because they must drink dirty water, live in poorly constructed houses, and receive little medical care.The people who live in slums have to eat dirty food and drink dirty water, they don't have any money to go out and buy anything so they have to look in the garbage for food and have to drink dirty water. Living in a slum is difficult but its not a choice if you're poor, the people in slums suffer a lot and have to go through very difficult things that we can't even imagine. 
    The people living in slums suffer because they have no food or water and what they do have isn't good for their health. They face a very difficult challenge that a lot of people don't even know it's going on. The slums are a very poor place to live in, they are often made out of recycled items or mud. The slums are very dirty it is a very ugly place to live in there is a lot of trash thrown everywhere. The houses there can be destroyed very easily it is very sad to see how they live. Slums are very depressing and harsh, no one would want to be live there. Slums are very overcrowded and unhealthy they are seen as resourceful communities that offer lessons to modern cities that take everything to the extreme.The people that live in slums are treated really bad and are in equal to other people.They often make fun of the people who live in slums and treat them really poorly because of how they are and how they live. 
     Since the people who live in the slums have to eat and drink dirty things they get a lot of sicknesses and they have very poor medical care, so they often die of bad nutrition or infections because they have no good health. They cant get medical care because they have no money to pay so they don't give them any good care. Some die of hunger and thirst. Many of the people that live in the slums die of hunger and thirst eventually because all they drink and eat is dirty and they have no money to buy anything else than that. HELP THE POOR!


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Introduction :)

"Why do we have to live like this?" Slums are houses that are made out of mud, where poor people live. It is full of trash and mud and everything is just thrown everywhere. There are a lot of sicknesses and very little medication. People who live in slums face a difficult life because they must drink dirty water, live in poorly constructed houses and recieve very little medicare so they usually die.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Slums Outline (;

I. Introduction
People who live in slums face a difficult life because they must drink dirty water, live in poorly constructed houses, and receive little medical care.

II. Defendable Point#1
The people who live in slums have to eat dirty food and drink dirty water, they don't have any money to go out and buy anything so they have to look in the garbage for food and have to drink dirty water. 

III. Defendable Point#2
The slums are a very poor place to live in, they are often made out of recycled items or mud. The slums are very dirty it is a very ugly place to live in there is a lot of trash thrown everywhere. The houses there can be destroyed very easily it is very sad to see how they live.

IV. Defendable Point#3 
Since the people who live in the slums have to eat and drink dirty things they get a lot of sicknesses and they have very poor medical care, so they often die of bad nutrition or infections because they have no good health. They cant get medical care because they have no money to pay so they don't give them any good care. Some die of hunger and thirst