Thursday, October 20, 2011

Slums Outline (;

I. Introduction
People who live in slums face a difficult life because they must drink dirty water, live in poorly constructed houses, and receive little medical care.

II. Defendable Point#1
The people who live in slums have to eat dirty food and drink dirty water, they don't have any money to go out and buy anything so they have to look in the garbage for food and have to drink dirty water. 

III. Defendable Point#2
The slums are a very poor place to live in, they are often made out of recycled items or mud. The slums are very dirty it is a very ugly place to live in there is a lot of trash thrown everywhere. The houses there can be destroyed very easily it is very sad to see how they live.

IV. Defendable Point#3 
Since the people who live in the slums have to eat and drink dirty things they get a lot of sicknesses and they have very poor medical care, so they often die of bad nutrition or infections because they have no good health. They cant get medical care because they have no money to pay so they don't give them any good care. Some die of hunger and thirst

1 comment:

  1. Eva, you did not include your introduction in here and also did not completely follow the format that I gave you.
